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Disaster on the Titanic [Ranger in time Volume: 9]by Messner, Kate 

Paperback(Scholastic, 2019)

BTSB #: 639826 Temp OS

Dewey: FAges: 7-10   
RC: 3.7 3-5 Lexile: 640

Genres: Adventure Fiction Historical Fiction Animals

Subjects: Titanic (Steamship) - Fiction Golden retrievers - Fiction Dogs - Fiction Time travel - Fiction Shipwrecks - Fiction Survival skills - Fiction Adventure fiction North Atlantic Ocean

Summary: This time the mysterious box transports the golden retriever Ranger back to the shipyards of Belfast in 1912, where a ship is being prepared for her maiden voyage, and when he saves young Patrick Murphy from being crushed by falling boards, Ranger expects to be transported home; when he is not, he knows that somehow his job is not finished--but then, Ranger has never heard of the Titanic, and knows nothing of the fate that awaits Patrick, and all the other people on board.

5.73 *

Disaster on the Titanic [Ranger in time Volume: 9]by Messner, Kate 

BTSB Prebound(Scholastic, 2019)

BTSB #: 639806 In Bindery

Dewey: FAges: 7-10   
RC: 3.7 3-5 Lexile: 640

Genres: Adventure Fiction Historical Fiction Animals

Subjects: Titanic (Steamship) - Fiction Golden retrievers - Fiction Dogs - Fiction Time travel - Fiction Shipwrecks - Fiction Survival skills - Fiction Adventure fiction North Atlantic Ocean

Summary: This time the mysterious box transports the golden retriever Ranger back to the shipyards of Belfast in 1912, where a ship is being prepared for her maiden voyage, and when he saves young Patrick Murphy from being crushed by falling boards, Ranger expects to be transported home; when he is not, he knows that somehow his job is not finished--but then, Ranger has never heard of the Titanic, and knows nothing of the fate that awaits Patrick, and all the other people on board.

15.79 *

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