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Crow [Odd Birds]by Roger, Ellen 

Paperback(Crabtree, 2024)

BTSB #: 761789 Available

Dewey: 598.8/NAges: 8-12   

Subjects: Crows

Summary: The American crow is known for its sleek feathers, piercing caw, and vengeful memory! Professor Oddfeather offers bite-sized facts on the crow's habitat, how crows have adapted to living near humans, and who is in their family tree.

8.16 *

Hoatzin [Odd Birds]by Johnson, Robin 

Paperback(Crabtree, 2024)

BTSB #: 494176 Available

Dewey: 598.7/NAges: 8-12   

Subjects: Hoatzins

Summary: The hoatzin is not hard to identify; not only does it have a blue face and red eyes-it smells bad! Professor Oddfeather offers bite-sized facts on the hoatzin's habitat in South America, what makes them hoot and squawk so much, why they smell, and who is in their family tree.

8.16 *

Shoebill [Odd Birds]by Johnson, Robin 

Paperback(Crabtree, 2024)

BTSB #: 495930 Available

Dewey: 598.4/NAges: 8-12   

Subjects: Shoebills

Summary: The shoebill's scientific name actually means "King Whalehead"! Professor Oddfeather offers bite-sized facts on the shoebill's habitat, silent hunting techniques, and harsh parenting practice.

8.16 *

Turkey vulture [Odd Birds]by Kohn, Samantha 

Paperback(Crabtree, 2024)

BTSB #: 527957 Temp OS

Dewey: 598.9/NAges: 8-12   

Subjects: Turkey vultures

Summary: Turkey vultures are not pretty! Professor Oddfeather offers bite-sized facts on the turkey vulture's habitat, how they act as nature's clean-up crew, and how vomit is their best defense.

8.16 *

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