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Total Price: $71.82 *
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From tadpole to frog prince [STEM Fairy Tales]by Burns, Jason M. 

Paperback(Norwood House Press, 2023)

BTSB #: 175367 Available

Dewey: 741.5/NAges: 8-12   
AR: 3.1 MG F&P: R

Subjects: Graphic novels Fairy tales Frogs - Fiction Princesses - Fiction Blessing and cursing - Fiction Magic - Fiction

Summary: Retelling of the classic tale of The Frog Prince from a scientific point of view. In graphic novel format.

11.97 *

Hansel and Gretel and the all-you-can-sweet buffet [STEM Fairy Tales]by Burns, Jason M. 

Paperback(Norwood House Press, 2023)

BTSB #: 175387 Available

Dewey: 741.5/NAges: 8-12   
AR: 4 MG F&P: R

Subjects: Graphic novels Fairy tales Witches - Fiction Siblings - Fiction

Summary: Classic tale of Hansel and Gretel from a scientific point of view, explaining STEM concepts as they appear in the story. In graphic novel format.

11.97 *

Jack and the beanstalk's cloudy close-up [STEM Fairy Tales]by Burns, Jason M. 

Paperback(Norwood House Press, 2023)

BTSB #: 175432 Available

Dewey: 741.5/NAges: 8-12   
AR: 3.5 MG F&P: R

Subjects: Graphic novels Fairy tales Giants - Fiction Magic - Fiction

Summary: Classic tale of Jack and the Beanstalk from a scientific point of view, explaining STEM concepts as they appear in the story. In graphic novel format.

11.97 *

Rapunzel and her unbeleafable hair [STEM Fairy Tales]by Burns, Jason M. 

Paperback(Norwood House Press, 2023)

BTSB #: 175446 Available

Dewey: 741.5/NAges: 8-12   
AR: 3.8 MG F&P: R

Subjects: Graphic novels Fairy tales Princesses - Fiction Hair - Fiction

Summary: Classic tale of Rapunzel from a scientific point of view, explaining STEM concepts as they appear in the story. In graphic novel format.

11.97 *

The goats Gruff and the baa-dly built bridge [STEM Fairy Tales]by Burns, Jason M. 

Paperback(Norwood House Press, 2023)

BTSB #: 175366 Available

Dewey: 741.5/NAges: 8-12   
AR: 3.8 MG F&P: R

Subjects: Graphic novels Goats - Fiction Trolls - Fiction Bridges - Fiction

Summary: A retelling of the classic tale of The billy goats Gruff from a scientific point of view. In graphic novel format.

11.97 *

The three little pigs' big bad building problem [STEM Fairy Tales]by Burns, Jason M. 

Paperback(Norwood House Press, 2023)

BTSB #: 175486 Temp OS

Dewey: 741.5/NAges: 8-12   
AR: 3.5 MG F&P: R

Subjects: Graphic novels Fairy tales Pigs - Fiction Wolves - Fiction House construction - Fiction

Summary: Classic tale of The Three Little Pigs from a scientific point of view, explaining STEM concepts as they appear in the story. In graphic novel format.

11.97 *

* Your Discounted Price

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